My Services

I dedicate myself to presenting my clients with completed projects that not only meet, but exceed, their initial vision. Knowing what to expect when we work together is critical - here is how I deliver success:


It all begins with a conversation where we'll pinpoint what this project is all about


A detailed project proposal including a visual preview will be presented and a plan of action will be decided.


I will begin building your website and provide weekly check-ins based on progress or issues that may arise

Launch & Support

Peace of mind is delivered with the final project in the form of available ongoing support.

Latest Projects


A responsive fullstack web application that makes it easier to find nursing homes that house people diagnosed with Dementia in the Bronx. You also have the ability to share a story of how difficult it has been or was when it came to looking for a nursing home in Bronx and connect with others.

Technologies Used: JavaScript, EJS, CSS, MongoDB, Node, Express, Bootstrap, Passport


A responsive fullstack web application that features a twist to the traditional Anki application where users can now include a timer to their study sessions.

Technologies Used: JavaScript, EJS, CSS, Node, Express, MongoDB

Favorite Movies

A responsive fullstack web application that displays my list of favorite movies ever with the ability to add to that list in the future

Technologies Used: JavaScript, EJS, CSS, Node, Express, MongoDB

Artist Catalog

A simple website that generates your favorite artists background as well as their current catalog

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

The Island Cuisine Meal Picker

A simple website that showcases different dinner and dessert options

Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

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